October 27, 2020
Ja-Welt team’s researchers are professional Neuroscientists and Developers
Ja-Welt Bay IQ understands the nature of intelligence. That is becuase we develop intelligent software and smart solutions. Our research and work focuses on human centric design and development. The brains behind our path breaking work is our team of phenomenal Neuroscientists and Developers. They all come with years of experience, skill and training unmatched in the market. We want to offer you the very best and for that, we work with the very best.
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October 27, 2020
How can a software developer get involved in Neuroscience?
The brain is possibly the most complex of all things. However, analyses and workflows are not. This is where there is a substantial and increasing overlap between neuroscience and technology. Computational neuroscience requires significant software processing. Work on neural network simulators has been taken forward by both neuroscientists as well as software developers. There is still work that needs to be done in terms of imaging, mapping, and prcessing the brain....
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October 27, 2020
Are Programmer Brains different?
To answer the question of "Are Programmer Brains different?", even svientists can't say for sure but what is different is How they Think. Programming is complex and programmers distill complex issues. Comparing and contrasting different cognitive tasks shows distinct developmental differences. Specialized areas of the brain are used for specialized tasks but learning a new skill is undertaken by existing information-processing networks. Where novices and experts i...
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October 27, 2020
Robotics and Neuroscience: Custom Software development
Ja-Welt Bay IQ's human centric approach means that we continuously strive for developing intelligent and adaptive software. The intersection of robotics and neuroscience has given developers the opportunity to identify crucial insights with advanced analytics and hypothesis testing. Intelligent robots autonomously interact with their environment and evolve. Cognitive neuroscience coupled with robot technology systems helps understand the realms of higher human brain f...
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November 10, 2020
Will the auto industry still be a darling of Germany after the pandemic?
The banal thing about forecasting is that you are smarter afterwards, but unfortunately only afterwards. The German Economic Institute (IW) declared that the best years for the country's carmakers have passed, and the all-important auto sector "will fail as an engine of growth" as a result of the coronavirus .pandemic. Berlin-based auto analyst Matthias Schmidt agrees “the market was heading for a slow year – and (was) even on a downward cyclical trajectory before corona ...
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November 10, 2020
Ja-Welt funding for digitization of learning
All across the globe, nearly 1.5 billion children and youth have been impacted by the coronavirus pandemic crisis. For the younger population this directly affects their opportunity to study and learn. Education still has to be succoured.Whilst strides were already being made to bring digitization to the education sector, the pandemic has amplified the need to do so swiftly, seamlessly and all encompassing. Digital learning has emerged as an indispensable resource for ...
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December 16, 2020
Ja-Welt-Finanzierung für die Digitalisierung des Lernens
Weltweit sind fast 1,5 Milliarden Kinder und Jugendliche von der Pandemiekrise des Coronavirus betroffen. Für die jüngere Bevölkerung wirkt sich dies direkt auf ihre Lern- und Lernmöglichkeiten aus. Bildung muss noch gefördert werden. Während bereits Schritte unternommen wurden, um die Digitalisierung des Bildungssektors voranzutreiben, hat die Pandemie die Notwendigkeit verstärkt, dies schnell, nahtlos und umfassend zu tun. Digitales Lernen hat sich in diesem Lockdown-...
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December 16, 2020
Wird die Autoindustrie nach der Pandemie immer noch ein Liebling Deutschlands sein?
Das Banale an Prognosen ist, dass Sie danach schlauer sind, aber leider erst danach. Das Deutsche Wirtschaftsinstitut (IW) erklärte, die besten Jahre für die Autohersteller des Landes seien vergangen, und der alles entscheidende Automobilsektor werde "als Wachstumsmotor" infolge der Coronavirus-Pandemie scheitern. Der in Berlin ansässige Autoanalytiker Matthias Schmidt stimmt zu: „Der Markt befand sich in einem langsamen Jahr - und (befand) sich sogar auf einem zyklische...
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December 16, 2020
Robotik und Neurowissenschaften: Entwicklung kundenspezifischer Software
Der menschenzentrierte Ansatz von Ja-Welt Bay IQ bedeutet, dass wir uns kontinuierlich um die Entwicklung intelligenter und anpassungsfähiger Software bemühen. Die Schnittstelle zwischen Robotik und Neurowissenschaften hat Entwicklern die Möglichkeit gegeben, wichtige Erkenntnisse mit fortschrittlichen Analysen und Hypothesentests zu identifizieren. Intelligente Roboter interagieren autonom mit ihrer Umgebung und entwickeln sich weiter. Die kognitive Neurowissenschaft i...
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